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BCCRA is offering speed pins to reward students for passing a speed level! Speed pins available: 80 wpm, 100 wpm, 120 wpm, 140 wpm, 160 wpm, 180 wpm, 200 wpm, and 225 wpm, and CSR!
Procedure for obtaining a pin:
Ensure you are a current member of BCCRA (have submitted your membership form for the current year). When you have passed out of a speed level, you may send an e-mail to indicating that you have passed out of speed level __ WPM and would like to request a speed pin to be mailed to ___(your address)__.
We are so happy to be able to offer our student members this fun incentive as they progress through their journeys to CSR!

BCCRA is proud to offer scholarships, speed pins, and a mentorship program to all of its student members.
Student Speed Pins

2022 Micro-Scholarship Winners
Bring a friend:
Lauren Jones
Practice Log:
Lauren Jones
Make a Meme:
Heidi Smith
Elaine Juarez
Seminar registration:
2021 December Student Scholarship Winner:
Dana Spear

2020 May Student Scholarship Winner
Congratulations, Anna Mar!

2019 May Student
Scholarship Winners
Angelica Romero, Katelyn Van Slycke, Anna Mar, Rachel Murchland
2018 May Student
Scholarship Winner
Rachel Murchland
2019 December Student Scholarship Winners
Anna Mar - Rachel Murchland

2015 Student Scholarship Winners
Jessica Butts, Rachel Murchland
Katelyn Van Slycke

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