1. BCCRA Adopt-a-Family Project
BCCRA will be sponsoring the two families that were submitted.
Family number one is a mother and two girls, ages 8 and 11. Information is provided on the SignUpGenius link below to include ages, sizes and wish lists. Please wrap all gifts purchased.
Family number two, submitted by one of our reporters, is a mother in need with her children. Her circumstances are such that she would like to remain anonymous. The best help we can offer to this family this season is a monetary donation to help get her household set up.
2. TADSAW (Train a Dog Save a Warrior)
We are putting a goody basket together with dog treats with a monetary donation. Dog goodies/treats do not have to be wrapped.
3. Treasure Box
We are donating to Diane Martinez's treasure box that she uses in her role as ad litem in her court-appointed cases. Treasure Box items can be from Dollar Tree but items can also be from anywhere. Treasure box items do not have to be wrapped.
Monetary donations can be made via Venmo (@bccrassociation ). Please indicate whether this is for the Adopt-a-Family project, TADSAW. or the treasure box.
All items can be dropped off at Kathy Hoffman's office during business hours Monday through Friday. We will be delivering on the weekend of December 11th, so please drop off on or before December 8th at Hoffman Reporting & Video Service, 206 E. Locust St., Suite 101, San Antonio, Texas 78212.
The sooner the better! Donations will also be accepted at the Christmas party on December 8th.